Retirement Plans
Alpha Capital Management Group utilizes our experience and industry insight to tailor retirement plans to our clients’ specific needs. We help you with fiduciary guidance, plan design, employee education, regulatory changes and administrative support. Our mission is to provide every participant with the tools they need to achieve their financial goals. We believe being available to every participant individually is essential to making your company’s retirement plan successful.
Compare your plan’s expenses to industry norms through a full comprehensive analysis. Provide an easy-to-understand analysis of the health & performance of your 401k plan.
Benchmarking leads to more cost-effective plans, increased participation rates, higher employee satisfaction and better outcomes for your employees’ retirement
Breakdown of Average Plan Cost Per Participant by Provider
Total Plan Cost as a Percentage of Assets
Range of Investment Costs
Conduct Comprehensive Evaluation of All Current Providers
Record Keeper
Third Party Administrator
Fee Negotiation with Current Providers
If Necessary, Conduct Formal RFP Process to Select New High Value Provider(s)
Investment Due Diligence
Fiduciary Monitoring Reports
12-point Evaluation Criteria
Performance Reporting
Investment Share Class Review
Qualified Default Investment Alternative Selection (QDIA)
Design Optimal Investment Lineup
Mix of Active & Passive Funds
Fee Negotiation
Custom Asset Allocation Models
Is your current 401(k) Advisor available to meet with every participant? We are!
Hands-on advisor team available to help plan participants make the most of their retirement plans
On-going participant education meetings (English & Spanish)
On-site Enrollment Meetings (English & Spanish)
Assistance with rollover processing, loans and distributions
Individualized investment advice
Quarterly participant statements
Customized Education Program
Educational Seminars
Educational Flyers
Educational Videos
Quarterly Newsletters
Quarterly Asset Allocation Guides
Quarterly Investment Review
Fiduciary Monitoring Reports
12-point Evaluation Criteria
Performance Reporting
Investment Policy Statement Assistance & Monitoring
Investment Research & Selection
Fund Change Assistance with Provider
Continuous Benchmarking
Record Keeping
Third Party Administrator
Fund Line-up Optimization
Quarterly Plan Review
Participation rates
Contributions rates
Investment Allocation
Distributions & Loans
Meeting Minutes & Documentation